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  • Why did you start this program?
    Very often, education is thought to only align with traditional academic study. For an emerging adult however, 18-25yr old, we have found that more life-related skills are needed to equip the learner and enhance their confidence to start off their adult years. The twenties are a defining decade for many life decisions. The program, modules have been informed by survey results from 18-25 yr old participants. This is the reason for this program.
  • What modules do you offer?
    Modules that Focus on “YOU!” "A man without a plan is like a ship without a compass." John Wooden! LifeSMART - You will envision your life and build practical path to what you desire it to be. LeadSMART - You will learn how to lead yourself. MoneySMARTS - You will understand how money will complement your life plan.. ​ Modules that Focus on Your Earning Potential! "The greatest asset you have is your earning ability.” Brian Tracy BizSMART - You will innovate solutions and build a ready-to-launch business plan CareerSMART - You get to work for a real global company and offer real business solution InvestSMART - You will build an investment portfolio for a real investor. PitchSMART - You will learn how to position you value.
  • What do our alumni say?
    We asked our Alumni: “What did you learn at LifeSMART that you’re already using now?” ​ They answered: “Well, the most useful lessons were those about planning working with a budget” “The lesson on learning to lead myself” “My work experience at LifeSMART - using the Career coaching lessons ” “I am using the money smarts learnt” “Using the guidance on how to build a life plan and work with an accountability partner” “The Investments module - I watch the stock markets and understand it better now!” “Identifying my core values.” “The lesson of keeping to the path that your made for and making the right decisions to stay on this path.” “So much! Thank you for creating these opportunities for us.” Thank you very much for your willingness to help me in my life-shaping process! I'm forever indebted! Where they are now (2023)? Harvard University, University of Pennsylvania, Strathmore University, University of Nairobi, Kenyatta University, USIU-Africa, Moi University.
  • Does the program require physical presence?
    No. The whole experience is virtual. We have virtual learning and internship sessions.
  • How does a class experience look like?
    Each class experience is split between content delivery by the facilitator, personal reflection time, team activities and mini presentations. We use audio and visual content. Each module requires project/team work. We use this approach to further enhance critical skills required at the workplace - the 4Cs - collaboration, communication, critical thinking and creativity.
  • Will the hours clash with my study or work hours?
    We engage the learners for 1.5 hours daily on live facilitations. All the sessions will be recorded and available for later viewing to allow for different learner schedules or time zones. We also allow for a free day - Thursdays - to catch up with our mentors during Q&A.
  • Do you have sibling/group discounts?
    Yes. We offer 20% off to siblings after the first enrolment. We also offer group discounts. Please reach out to us for details.
  • Do you offer scholarships?
    Yes. We do have open slots for learners who can demonstrate their inability to meet the required fees. A review will be completed to assess the need of the student. Scholarship slots are however limited per cohort.
  • Can I defer my learning once started?
    Yes you can defer your learning once started. Some sessions however align to global timelines are may be inflexible to allow for immediate re-entry within the same year.
  • What is your cancellation policy?
    We will first seek to defer your study incase you cannot join the running session. Otherwise, we reimburse 50% of the fees if cancellation is done after the start of the program.
  • What happens after graduation?
    On enrolling for the program, you joined a tribe of LifeSMART life-long learners. We will continue to engage you with expert speaker sessions, peer discussions. We will continue to engage on Life, Work and School topics because we believe that these need to continuously be integrated throughout our lives. Throughout this journey uou will build friendships and networks that could last a life-time!
  • Do you have partnership opportunities?
    Yes. We have partnered with several schools, universities parent and youth groups. Reach out to us to understand the benefits of partnering.

Still got a question?  Email Us at :

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